Why Your Child Should Play Sports
Run, jump, slide, and skip. It is good for you and it is good for your child. With concussions being a constant topic in today’s media, it can seem like playing sports is a horrendous thing for a child. However, this is simply not the case. Not all sports can lead to brain injuries. So, you should not let fear stop your child from reaping these four sport-related benefits.
Improved Health
It is no secret that athletic children are generally healthier. They can breathe better, focus more clearly, possess heightened muscle tone, and have superior cardiovascular activity. But what is little known is that these effects can linger into adults.
Recent studies have found that adults with a physically active childhood are in generally much healthier than those without it. Adults with physically active childhoods are less likely to develop obesity, heart disease. You can search online for any good …
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